Category: Economics

April 27, 2016
February 29, 2016
February 29, 2016
February 29, 2016
February 29, 2016
February 29, 2016
February 29, 2016
February 29, 2016
February 26, 2016


Minimum wage will NOT cause unemployment.

Many of us have heard some variation of this from progressives, and the claim is absolutely ridiculous. They will pull out many studies and many articles attempting to show otherwise, but no matter how many they link us to the statement is false.

February 26, 2016


I recently read a comment about the power of the state and the power of a corporation, and the author claimed that if we let the state have less control over our wallets, then the corporations would have more control over out wallets. I have seen this claim many times, that with deregulation comes corporate overlords. The people defending this claim have a poor understanding of the state, corporations in a free market, and the relationship between corporations and the state in an interventionist economy.